Post 46 – Day 31 Kickstart Coaching for Affiliate Marketing
Post 46 – Day 31 Kickstart Coaching for Affiliate Marketing
Day 31 Kickstart Coaching
The training started with a big mentoring session as Dean was saying that it seems that most people haven’t being taking much action so far as he hasn’t seen many ads placed.
We are now 31 days into the training and we should all be pushing ourselves driving traffic by now either free or paid for methods, as ultimately this is our businesses and if we don’t do anything there will be nothing at the end and this is our ultimate goal to build a business and make money.
We then went into his FB ads manger account and looked at the stats to see how everything was performing so far and doing some analysis.
The information you can get inside this is quite amazing so much data captured. So glad these sessions are all recorded to go over everything again, again and again to make sure I get it right.
Also had a look into what else we are going to do as things go forward to increase leads and sales using the mapping system again looking at our business as a chain each link being a different event.
So now Dean is going to make up some extra ad events off camera to encourage people to optin for the book. Once completed this will then be shown to the audience of these training sessions.
He also added in that not to let these things overwhelm us if some of us at not at this stage yet but to just do what we are doing along the way at our own pace and catch up with these things at a later date.