Review of BizFire Sales Funnel Maker
FREE Software
BizFire Funnel Maker is a FREE online business software tool, that lets people map out their entire business from the front-end products to various up sales. It allows you to build and map out your business plan with ad costs etc. To see if it is a profitable model you are working on and what would need to change to make it so.
- This is a fantastic piece of free software to map out your business plan
- Tutorial video on how to use the software
- 7 pre-made mind map templates to give you an idea of what a funnel would look like with different scenarios.
- Easy to use and swap things around to make the plan more profitable.
- Save your funnel maps to edit later
- As this is an online piece of software, in order to use it, you have to sign up to open a free account
You can’t go wrong with this piece of Free software for your business when you can pay quite a lot of money for something that is similar but not so powerful.
Allan Bruce