Post 98 – My Affiliate Marketing Blog


Post 98 – My Affiliate Marketing Blog


So far my placed solo ad campaign with the new vendor has not started yet. I got in touch with them the other day and they told me they are a bit different from others in the same line. So it just takes a bit of time as they like to warm their audiences up first before starting the run of the ad.


No problem with that at all if it creates some better results. They also told me they should be starting within the next day or so.


Had my weekly Monday VIP call with Dean and told him of my progress through the previous week. He was happy to hear I was doing some other things within my business to push forward and not just sit still waiting for something to happen.


I have been trying some new free tactics to me on FB to get some traffic as shown by Dean and getting some interested people on what I am offering them to help their own business push on or even get started.


Still posting ads on the mailer/safe list sites with again some take ups on the offer The Perfect Offer so more people to my mailing list which is all good.


Also doing some broadcast mail sends to my list to promote Deans weekly free training webinar.


So all in all a good productive week in my business,








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